I feel like things are moving forward again as this week the plumbers arrived. I was a little shocked initially to see how many holes they cut and drilled in my nicely framed home, but I guess the pipes have to go somewhere.

The man putting the shingles on continues to make progress. I am still amazed that he chooses to do this type of work without any help. As I watch him work I become appreciative of the detail he puts into his job. Each piece of metal sheeting and each shingle is placed deliberately, rather than thrown into place in a hurried way. I am confident we will have a nicely sealed roof.

We have also chosen out our window and door styles. We are going with a Roman arch look on the doors and the windows will have perimeter gridding as highlights. These should be installed in the next week or two.
Some arches were placed in our entry way. A little splash of excitement in an otherwise "boxy" house. The Roman arch highlights in our doors should fit in well.
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