This week things slowed down a bit as the contractor wanted to give the cement foundation time to cure before bringing the carpenters in to frame the home. The plumber did come in though and run sewer and water lines into the home and the cement crew came in and poured the basement floor.
I had the plumber place water lines for future sprinkler systems at both the front and back yard. I am hoping this makes for easier landscaping in the future.
As you can see, the basement is not large. Just large enough for the utilities (furnace and water heaters) and food and regular storage needs. We chose to build mostly above ground for two reasons; first, to save some money as cement costs are high compared to lumber and second, to realize greater energy conservation. Supposedly, a well insulated home above ground can be heated and cooled more economically. I am trusting our builder on this one as I have never lived in a home that did not have a basement.
Our next house won't have a basement as it really is only extra space to put all your extra junk in anyway. Looks good!